Citizen Fall

A Presidential Night Out

Posted in NBA, Politics by ryedog on February 28, 2009

No matter your political affiliation, you can’t deny the fact that President Obama hasn’t at least tried to relate warmly with the people, even it means taking in the play of the bumbling Wizards when he could have been listening to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bitch about how she looks like a velociraptor.

Thirty games below .500, Washington has seldom given the rest of the league a reason to fear traveling to Verizon Center, but head coach Ed Tapscott and Co. showed up Friday night, much to the chagrin of their esteemed guest of honor, whose hometown Chicago Bulls took it on the chin, 113-90.

While the Wizards were riding a dominating fourth quarter, the Commander-in-Chief was wrapping his evening, which included at least one $8 beer, plenty of photo opportunities, and the periodic high-five from some unidentified chump in the second row—all without the faintest sign of Secret Service manning the area.

[All photos shot by Molly Riley of Reuters; courtesy of Live Journal]

Sara Jean Underwood Has a Favor To Ask of You

Posted in Ladies by ryedog on February 28, 2009

A short time ago, we brought you the story of Hugh Hefner’s recessional troubles, wherein a few cost-cutting techniques were being utilized to ward off what may become the imminent sale of Playboy magazine.

With the nudie empire in peril, it’s only a matter of time before some of the company’s less successful operations are eliminated, and for the purpose of this post, we’ll assume among those is the Bunny Shop, which is nothing more than another excuse to give us pictures of semi-naked women.

This is where you (and Sara Jean Underwood) come in, my friend.

I’ll make this short and to the point. Don’t make a pretty face like this worry because you were to lazy to help out. Sara has taken the time to model plenty of lingerie and other apparel at the online store so you would buy a $49.99 body stocking for no apparent reason.

Other than to keep Playboy functioning and out of the hands of foreign investors.